July 10, 2022

BWAYX at BroadwayCon 2022

We had an amazing time at BroadwayCon!

BroadwayCon 2022 was the first in-person BroadwayCon since the Covid-19 Pandemic Quarantine. Although this was our team’s first time having a booth at BroadwayCon in many ways it felt like a reunion. From the marketplace to the panels and competitions there was a buzz of energy that could only exist in a space filled with theatre fans, performers, and artists.

BroadwayCon was such an incredible experience to engage directly with theater fans in the community. I loved the opportunity to hear feedback from each specific patron and begin to tailor our product for them. We can’t wait to attend again in the coming years and continue supporting theatre artists.

-Matt D’Arrigo, The Broadway Exchange

The convention was filled with show-stopping cosplays and fan art from everyone’s favorite Broadway shows. The marketplace gave our team the chance to meet so many members of the amazing theatre community that we hadn’t been able to chat with before. All of the booths in the marketplace were filled with incredible art work, creations, and theatrical organizations working to celebrate Broadway and its fantastic community.

I’ve been to BroadwayCon almost every year it’s happened, but always as a fan. I went away to college right when shows started reopening, so I haven’t gotten to see as many as I’d like to, but since I’ve been back I’ve had the chance to watch a couple, and it’s really heartening to see live theater making its return. BroadwayCon cinched that for me- it certainly felt different than the last time it was in person, but regardless of masks or wristbands that proved we were vaccinated, we were there, together, in person. This year I was a vendor at a booth in the marketplace, so I interacted with the convention on a fundamentally different level- as a provider of a service rather than its recipient. It felt good to give something, albeit small, back to the community that has given so much to me. I’m looking forward to seeing more live theater this summer, and being back at BroadwayCon again next year.

-Foster Schrader, The Broadway Exchange

Two of our Co-Founders Ron Guirguis and Sue Gilad had a blast on the “What Do NFT’s Mean for Broadway?” Panel. There they discussed the importance of being Carbon Neutral and theatrical artists receiving the majority of profits from our digital collectibles. They also discussed using digital collectibles during the development process of new Broadway productions. Specifically, Gilad’s production of Burlesque the Musical that is currently in development.

Thank you BroadwayCon and everyone there for being so welcoming!

We can’t wait to see you all next year!